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We determined the structures of 16 de novo transcribing complexes, TC2 to TC17, containing nascent RNAs of 2 to 17 nucleotides, respectively, and provided structural visualization of transcription initiation in action (Science, 2023). Movie
We determined the structures of +1 nucleosome-bound Mediator-bound PIC. The structures reveal the molecular mechanism of PIC-Mediator organization on chromatin and underscores the significance of the +1 nucleosome in regulating transcription initiation (Science, 2022). Movie
We determined the structures of transcription preinitiation complex (PIC) in distinct assembly states and on different core promoters. The structures reveal unexpected two-track PIC assembly and TBP-induced promoter bending in the context of PIC (Science, 2021a). Movie
We reported identification and characterization of INTAC, a complex that regulates transcription (Science, 2020b).
We reported cryo-EM structure of nucleosome-bound human BAF Complex(Science,2020a).
In eukaryotic organisms, cell-type-specific gene expression is mediated by combinatorial action of transcription factors and transcription machineries in the context of chromatin, which provides framework for differential gene expression and cell fate determination during development.
We want to reveal the structural basis of the dynamic regulation of chromatin structure and molecular mechanism for transcription in the context of chromatin.
We are actively developing DNA-encoded Antibody Libraries (DEAL) for deciphering the proteome on chromatin and cell surfaces. This cutting-edge approach involves the integration of single-cell and spatiotemporal multi-omics techniques. |
We are looking for highly motivated assistant/associated professor, research associate, postdoctoral fellows, graduate students to join our lab. To apply, please send your CV with bibiography, publications, research experience and contact information for at least two references via email:
Group leader: Yanhui Xu
Cover Story

COVER The human transcription preinitiation complex (PIC; pink and red) and multisubunit Mediator complex (orange, left) are assembled into a supercomplex (76 polypeptides, molecular mass: 4.1 megadaltons) on a promoter region of DNA (orange coil, center) to initiate gene transcription. Mediator binds RNA polymerase II (purple) in the PIC and stimulates phosphorylation of its C-terminal domain (highlighted in white), a critical event in transcription initiation. (Science, 2021b) |
The PIC-Mediator structure was chosen as the "Molecule of the Month" by PDB. |